Birthday fun day!!
It’s been a bit since we enjoyed a birthday fun day and the 5 of us, we were so ready for it!
Courtney has been wanting to take the kids to a place he heard about, so no better way to take them there, then for a birthday fun day.
Birthday fun day!!
It’s been a bit since we enjoyed a birthday fun day and the 5 of us, we were so ready for it!
Courtney has been wanting to take the kids to a place he heard about, so no better way to take them there, then for a birthday fun day.
Logan James is 10!!!
Integrity, determination, leadership, honesty, and overall exceptional character were just a few of the many reasons Hillcrest Middle School students were recognized at the Chamber of Commerce Golden Apple Awards. Nominated by their teachers, guidance counselors, or administrators, twelve students received certificates, and McKenna was one of those students.
To have McKenna’s teachers recognize her not only for her great grades, but her overall character is overall gratifying. As parents, you want your kids to go to school and treat others, the way they want to be treated. Courtney and I are very proud of our McKenna Grace!
Keep up the amazing work with your grades and always showing others respect and kindness.
Miss Skylar Jo is 1!!!
I will forever be grateful that we made the decisions to move to South Carolina. Not only are we in the warmth of the south, but we are able to get together with family on special events like this. Celebrating Skylar Jo’s first birthday.