Saturday, February 15, 2025


Birthday fun day!!

It’s been a bit since we enjoyed a birthday fun day and the 5 of us, we were so ready for it! 

Courtney has been wanting to take the kids to a place he heard about, so no better way to take them there, then for a birthday fun day. 

The kids were so excited about Frankie’s when we started telling them about it. It was all they could talk about the week leading up to our fun day out. They all looked it up online and continued to say what they each wanted to do, but most of all, we were all very excited to play some mini golf! 

Logan got his first pick at what he wanted to do. Of course, he didn’t hesitate to say that he wanted to go to the go-karts. It’s something that he’s always wanted to do and he was pumped to finally be able to do it. 

Logan, he was so happy, but ever so focused. He was trying different lines to get more speed, just like he sees in NASCAR. You could see the happiness in his face each time he zoomed past us. He was definitely not ready for it to be done so soon.

Next, the kids wanted to go on the small roller coaster. McKenna was the most excited about it, the other two, not so much, but willing to go on it. This was the kids first roller coaster and was unsure on how they would react to it once it started going. 

They started with smiles and those smiles quickly faded. The first little drop and sideways spin, surprised them and from there, each time they passed me on the ground, their faces were faces of worry and a bit scared. 

When the kids were back on solid ground and I asked how the ride was, they each said they didn’t want to go on that again. 

Now, time for some mini golf!!

We had so much fun! We ended up doing to different courses of mini golf and we probably would have kept going if it didn’t start raining on us. 

Logan ended the day with 3 hole in ones and McKaila and daddy each got themselves 1. McKenna and I weren’t so lucky, but still had fun trying.

We had the best birthday fun day at Frankie’s and we can’t wait to go back for some more fun!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy 10th Birthday, Logan James

Logan James is 10!!!

With Logan turning 10, that means we no longer have any kids with their ages in single digits. My mommy heart is so not ready for this. 

But, I am one proud mommy to this handsome 10 year old. He is the sweetest young boy and is always the first to give me hugs every morning. Logan is also getting straight A’s in all his classes in 4th grade and all his teachers have high presses for him in everything that he does. We really couldn’t ask for anything more from our 10 year old. We are truly blessed!!

As always, we are lucky enough to have family FaceTime to help celebrate the birthday boy. Unfortunately, Auntie wasn’t able to FaceTime while Logan was opening presents, but she did make sure to FaceTime Logan after school to send lots of birthday love his way. 

Logan was spoiled with many of the things that he had on his birthday list. He couldn’t wait to open everything up and start playing with everything. 

While Logan was playing with all his new things, Daddy was cooking up Logan’s favorite meal, cheeseburgers. Not only did he want cheeseburgers, but he had to have lays chips and French onion dip to go with them. He is a young boy that knows exactly what he wants to fill his belly!!

To end Logan’s special day, we enjoyed his favorite dessert/snack, birthday cookie cake! We may have been very full from dinner, but we can always find room for come cookie cake!

Happy Birthday Logo!! 

Also, thank you to all that sent texts and called to wish Logan a Happy Birthday! He definitely felt all the love from everyone around him!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Golden Apple Award

 Integrity, determination, leadership, honesty, and overall exceptional character were just a few of the many reasons Hillcrest Middle School students were recognized at the Chamber of Commerce Golden Apple Awards. Nominated by their teachers, guidance counselors, or administrators, twelve students received certificates, and McKenna was one of those students.

To have McKenna’s teachers recognize her not only for her great grades, but her overall character is overall gratifying. As parents, you want your kids to go to school and treat others, the way they want to be treated. Courtney and I are very proud of our McKenna Grace!

Keep up the amazing work with your grades and always showing others respect and kindness.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Happy 1st Birthday, Skylar Jo

 Miss Skylar Jo is 1!!!

I will forever be grateful that we made the decisions to move to South Carolina. Not only are we in the warmth of the south, but we are able to get together with family on special events like this. Celebrating Skylar Jo’s first birthday. 

It was a great day celebrating the newly 1 year old and Skylar Jo loved every second of it. Amber did amazing with all the food and decorating and it was just perfect for a 1 year old!

Skylar Jo was a spoiled little girl and got lots of lovin’ from everyone and lots of fun toys and endless amounts of clothes to celebrate her. 

Between all the birthday festivities, there was lots of cousin time, auntie and uncle time and just all around family time.

It was just an all around great weekend with family and friends. 

Thanks for hosting all of us, Arizpe family! 
We love you!!