Monday, January 9, 2012

First Snow Fall

Late this morning, it started snowing. It started as barely anything, it wasn't even sticking on the ground. Just causing everything to be really wet. But then, all of a sudden I look out the window and the snow flakes were huge. I love the look of snow, but not a big fan of it. I guess that is because I grew up in Michigan. Where they get tons of snow until April. McKaila loved looking at it. She was standing on the couch, looking out the window saying "ohhh". It was very cute seeing her see the snow for the first time. But, yea... the snow is sticking now. Still not a whole lot of snow, but still. It can go away now :-)

These are pics 45 minutes later

I just got an email from Courtney (he's at work) saying that due to the weather, get all essential work done and head home. That is just so crazy to us. It's been like that every year. Everything shuts down and everyone freaks out due to the snow. To us this is nothing and to people in Maryland they literally freak out. Ofcoarse though, Courtney won't be home early. They have to be there, no matter what.

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