Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patties Day

Most people spend their St. Patricks day drinking green beer and bar hopping, but for me (Heather) I spent my St. Patricks Day doing something so much better! Playing outside with my beautiful daughter, McKaila Rose.
Now that it's been in the 70's here, we've been spending a whole lot of time outdoors. McKaila loves it. She loves to run around and watch all the planes fly in the sky. She can spot a plane high in the sky, that Courtney or I couldn't see. It's crazy.
So, here are some pictures of McKaila playing around in the front and back yard!!

Hugs for the Dutch Boy

McKaila and Roxy

Where is your belly button?
Hugs for Simon

Even though we aren't Irish or anything, McKaila and I still had to sport our green :-)

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