Monday, April 16, 2012


One of Courtney and I's favorite places to go is Annapolis, Maryland. It's right on the water and we love to sit on the pier and watch all the boats go by and get some GREAT sea food. So, we were incredibly excited about the fact that Grandma Nancy suggested heading to Annapolis for some sea food.
We hung out at home for a bit, playing outside for a while, then we headed over to Annapolis. We went straight for the food. We ended up eating at a sea food buffet, Buddy's Crab and Ribs. Very good, and I believe all of us over stuffed ourselves.

Great food and with even better company!!!
McKaila loved sitting by the window and watching all the cars/buses go by
All she wanted to do was hold Daddy's hand... so sweet
Grandma Nancy and McKaila
Watching the ducks in the water
Watching the boats go by along with the ducks

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