Both girls did a great job while the doctor checked them over. Both girls are healthy and all around looking good. McKaila is really tall and skinny and McKenna is growing as well as she should be.
McKaila Rose
Weight = 29 lbs
Height = 37 inches
McKenna Grace
Weight = 17 lbs
Height = 27 inches
Besides their appointments, the girls needed to get shots. McKaila only needed to get the flu shot, but McKenna needed the flu shot, plus a few more. Luckily, for us, the girls do really well with shots. McKaila didn't have a clue what was going on and tensed up when the needle went through the skin, but there were no tears, which resulted in a sucker and lots of stickers from the nurses. McKenna has tears running down her face the moment the needle hit her skin, but as soon as you put her back in your arms, she forgets all about it. Our girls are such troopers.
McKaila loves getting her picture taken these days, so I try to take full advantage of it when I can

She's a happy girl when she's eating. McKenna just started doing 3 - 7 oz bottles during the day and added more solids. She loves her oatmeal cereal in the mornings, fruits at lunch, and veggies at dinner.

McKaila's hair is getting so long, but NO I'm not ready to cut it

We are truly blessed with these two girls!

Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad
Location:Adams Ave,Biloxi,United States
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