Once again, the girls have both come down with runny noses. That means for me, as a stay at home mom, my days seem longer then ever. McKaila, who will blow her nose on her own normally, seems to have forgotten how to do it or doesn't want to do it when she's sick. So, every so often we hear, "I need to blow my nose." And with McKenna, she doesn't want us wiping her nose at all, she fight us, but in the end we still get it done. The crazy thing is though, is when we have to use the suction on her to try and remove the snot from her nose, she will just sit there and let it be done.
I feel so bad for our babies when they don't feel good. McKenna attaches to mommy more then ever, which is really hard for me during the day because I can't do anything without having her attached to me. McKaila is good at just taking her iPad and cuddling with her buddy and blanket, but she isn't to happy when she sees McKenna getting all the sickness attention sometimes.
So, today Courtney took McKaila to the doctors to get her checked out. Courtney gets allergies really bad, so he always says that he thinks that she has them. Finally today, we got some answers about it. And she does in fact have allergies. We didn't bring in McKenna, but Courtney asked about her also, and she could possibly have allergies too. So, they both got some medicine and hopefully with that, they will both start to feel better.
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