Friday, August 29, 2014

Boy or Girl???

Leading up to this day, I was very anxious and very excited. I was more then ready to find out the gender of the little one growing inside my belly. To be completely honest with you all, I had a gut feeling from the moment we found out we were expecting, that it was going to be another girl. But, then again, I would have moments that I really hoped to finally have that boy.

I made the appointment to have the gender ultrasound done a few weeks ago at Sneak-A-Peek  and found out I could find out as early as 15 weeks. I got even more excited by that because even though it's only a week difference, most places don't do it until 16 weeks. Now, we'll have an appointment around the 20 week mark at the hospital, which they would tell us the gender if they can tell, but that's not the reason they do it. They do the ultrasound to measure everything and make sure the baby is looking ok.

Of coarse, I was super excited about making the appointment, that I told our neighbors all about it. Our neighbors, Josh and Christy along with their 3 kids have become really close friends of ours, so I told them that they were more then welcome to join us, if they wanted to. I was beyond happy when they came to us and told us that they would come with us. It's hard not having family here to enjoy stuff like this with, so it made me so incredibly happy that we had friends that wanted to share this special moment with us.

It's always amazing seeing your little baby on the screen and hearing the heartbeat

Mr. Josh entertaining the kids


RylanBrooks and McKaila

We first were there for about a hour or so, and then we were told to come back because the umbilical cord was in the way to truly tell the gender of baby p. So, after getting some lunch, we all went back and we tried it again. Less then a minute into our second session of the day, she looked at Courtney and told him he was finally going to get his boy.

We are super excited to be adding a boy to the family and feel so lucky to have amazing friends like Christy and Josh who were happy to come join us and loved on our girls while Courtney and I were busy watching baby p. on the screen. A huge thanks to Christy because she was the one that remembered the camera. So all these great pictures on this blog post are all thanks to Christy, love you girl!!

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