It's still been sinking in that we are having a boy. It's just so crazy to me because deep down I really thought we were going to be adding another little girl to the Polnicky family. Yes, it's still sinking in, but I feel so blessed to be having a little boy. I do have difficult days, not that I am not happy to be having a boy, because I am extremely happy to be having a boy, but the things that make things difficult for me is starting to go through all the baby girl clothes we have, to pass them onto someone else.
It's hard for me to look at some of the girls clothes and remember the times of them in those outfits and now I will be having to give them away. Thankfully, our neighbors have a little girl, so I already given them a huge bag of clothes for her. Even though it's been very emotional for me to be getting rid of all these clothes, I am really looking forward to shopping on the boy side of the baby clothes section.
Logan got his first package of goodies from Grandma and Papa Kuipers
These last couple weeks, besides the emotional part, has been really great. McKaila is constantly going around the house saying she's having a little brother and his name is Logan James. It's never just Logan, it's always Logan James, which I think is so adorable coming from his big sister. And for McKenna, she's going to be a great big sister. She loves on my belly when she's sitting in my lap. I ask her to give the baby a hug and she lays her head right on my belly while looking up at me. It's the cutest thing ever.
Logan James
Currently the size of a naval orange
weighting approximately 4.94 oz
approximately 5.12 inches in length (crown to rump)
Second Trimester
Started to feel more movement, rather then just flutters
Heartbeat 154
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