Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Logan's First Foods

Logan had been showing some interest in food, by eyeing everything that Courtney and I were putting into our mouths and even grabbing at our food. So, one morning I thought I would give the whole feeding thing a try. 

I started out by making Logan some oatmeal cereal. He was not a fan, i mean i don't blame him, but it was too the point where he spit up after it. So, thankfully I had some other baby food on hand and gave him some applesauce. 

He didn't know what to think of it at first, but in the end, he was a fan. He ended up eating a half jar of applesauce in his first sitting. So, proud of our little boy.

Happy boy about to eat his first solid food and he is loving sitting in the high chair

Oatmeal cereal


Logan sure was happy a happy boy after eating

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