Tuesday, November 10, 2015

River Walk

The third and finally thing we really wanted to take the kids was the River Walk. It's Courtney and I's favorite spot in San Antonio. The last time we visited San Antonio, we did it kid free, so this time around, we made it a family affair. 

The girls found it really cool to be walking right along side the water and couldn't wait to get on the boat, so they could be on the water. The boat ride wasn't so much for children, it was more for adults and to hear information about the River Walk, but the girls enjoyed just being on a boat. 

We loved showing the kids all our favorite spots along the River Walk, including the Alamo. We have countless pictures of the Alamo with just Courtney and I, so now we get to add pictures of the kids to that.

You can't go down to the River Walk without eating down there. I think, this may have been the kids favorite part. They loved eating and seeing all the ducks floating on by and coming up to us to try and get some food. 

I just love the River Walk at night 

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