Thursday, September 1, 2016

McKaila's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Before school started, McKaila had her days where she would get really sad because she would be away from me all day and she was missing everyone at her old school in Mississippi as she would say. But, the sadness wouldn't last too long after we would explain to her that she would be meeting a lot of new friends and learning all kinds of new and exciting things. 

So, when they day came for her first day of school, she was very excited. She was up early and ready to go. Her first day of school was only with a handful of classmates just to ease everyone into the days, and her second day of school, all her classmates will be there. 

McKaila picked out her own outfit for the first day of school! She couldn't pass up her new pug shirt! She even has to bring her stuffed Roxy in the car with her so Roxy is excited to see her when she is done with school for the day.

I am so thankful that Courtney was able to take the day off of work to be here for McKaila's first day of school. I know McKaila loved that daddy was there too! 

As the girls were eating breakfast before we left for school, McKaila had a talk with McKenna. 
"McKenna you have to be a good girl while I am gone and be really nice to your brother"

It was the cutest thing ever and really wish I could have gotten a video of it! What was even better, after McKaila had told me about her first day, she had to ask me if McKenna had been good. I had to tell her that McKenna had some hard times today and McKaila went on to tell me that she talked with her and told her to be good, so she's sorry she didn't listen. What a little sweetie!!

But, McKaila's first day of kindergarten went really well. She had so much fun and was so excited to tell Courtney and I all about it. She said many times how much she loved school and was excited about the next day of school when all her new friends were going to be there. 

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