Saturday, July 24, 2021

Dinosaur Ridge

It was time to get out of Cheyenne!! We all wanted to get out of town and make some memories. Courtney decided to add to it and decided it would be best for us to stay a night in a motel. That way, we didn't have to be in a hurry to get back that night and enjoy Colorado a little more than we normally do.

Let our adventure begin!!

First stop... DINOSAUR RIDGE!!!

The kids were very excited when we told them what our first stop would be. We have already been to Dinosaur Ridge once before, but that was our first summer here, so it's been a bit. And this time around, all 3 of the kids are enjoying learning about dinosaurs, not just McKaila. 

Now, to enjoy a walk along dinosaur ridge!!

In the pictures below, you can see alligator tracks. You can spot the tracks right above the wooden pillar. 

The kids got very excited when we came across the first part of dinosaur tracks. And they couldn't get enough, so they started running from one section of dinosaur tracks to the next. The running didn't last long because once the sun came out, it got very warm. 

It was a great start to our little getaway, but we were all beat and ready to get to our motel to relax for the rest of the night!! 

Looking forward to more adventures tomorrow!

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