Life has been overwhelming, to say the least. We currently are on month 5 of Courtney’s deployment and unfortunately, Covid hit our household. And not just Covid, we had to add strep and pink eye to it all.
I think they know us pretty well here at the Sumter Urgent Care because I have now been there once a week for the last 3 weeks. 2 times for Logan and once for McKenna.
Thankfully and surprisingly, McKaila has come out of all of this just fine. I continue to ask her, “are you feeling okay?” I’m guessing by now she’s probably over that question, but I just can’t believe through all of this, she’s the only one that has escaped the sickness.
So, yup, we got hit with the Covid, but it didn’t start off with that. We started it all off with Logan getting pink eye. He has gotten pink eye before, so I knew right away that morning, we needed to go to urgent care and get it looked at so we could get drops. I was right and he did have pink eye, which started in his left eye and then went to his other eye.
Onto the next week….
McKenna woke up one morning complaining that her throat was hurting. I honestly didn’t think anything of it, just told her to make sure she drinks enough water at school. A couple hours into the school day, I get a call from the school nurse, McKenna was with her complaining of a sore throat. The nurse did look at her throat and said it looked very irritated, so I wasn’t going to take any chances. I picked her up from school and we went straight to urgent care. They did a covid and strep test on her. After waiting 45 minutes, we find out she tested negative for strep but positive for covid. Let the quarantine begin.
And, just as I thought we were all in the clear, I, yup, me, Heather, woke up with pink eye. On the worst day that I could wake up with pink eye. On Logans birthday. My eyes were puffy, they hurt and was thankful that we had plenty of drops left over from Logan having pink eye, that I could start using those drops.
Now, to this week. Logan had been dealing with a cough all weekend and wasn’t letting up with the medicine I was giving him, so we woke up Monday morning and got to urgent care just as they opened. They did a covid and strep test on him and well… he tested positive for both, so no school for him for the rest of the week.
I’m truly hoping that we are now in the clear of all this grossness. I’m more than over it!
I’m over this deployment
I’m over our kids not feeling well
I’m over doing this all by myself
These last few weeks have tested me in every way possible. It’s been hard, real hard and an emotional roller coaster that I’m so ready to get off of. But, we are making it though it. It may have been the hardest month ever, but it showed me, that I am stronger than I give myself credit for.
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