Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Christmas Eve started off early with McKenna waking up at 7 all the while, Courtney was getting ready for work. As Courtney was off to work, McKaila was waking up. McKaila won't leave her bed until someone comes into her room, so the moment I walked through the door, she was asking if it was Christmas yet. She's been so excited for Christmas this year, which is so fun to experience with her. Everything she sees with Christmas, her face lights up. We love it.

Thankfully, Courtney's work day was over before lunch time. I had been telling McKaila all morning that once daddy got home, it would be time to make our Christmas cookies. So, very shortly after Courtney got his uniform off, we were in the kitchen with the cookie cutters, cutting out Christmas shapes in the dough we prepared the night before.

McKaila knew that these cookies were being made for Santa to eat when he came that night with presents, so she was very excited about making them. But she was even more eager for them to be done baking so she could decorate them.

Last year, we started the tradition of watching the Polar Express. And what's a movie without popcorn. McKaila has gotten the love for popcorn from mommy, so if we're watching a movie at night, she's always asking for popcorn.
These girls love their movie time

After the movie, it was time to write Santa a letter and leave out cookies and milk for him and chex mix for the reindeer. McKaila was so excited about knowing that Santa was going to be in our house that she picked out a few special cookies for him.

After getting the snack ready for Santa and the reindeer's it was time for our other family tradition that started with McKaila's first Christmas and has now continued every Christmas, reading The Night Before Christmas as a family.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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