Friday, February 26, 2021


This whole covid-19 stuff has really taken a toll on me. Not only am I now a teacher to 3 kids in 3 different grades, I barely leave the house. Yes, that was a decision that Courtney and I made together from the very beginning, but it takes a toll on you after a while. 

Our family has enjoyed going out, but to be honest, we don't get out very much. Even though I want to get out of this house, I know deep in my heart, staying home is the smart decision. If I know, staying home is going to keep my family safe, then that's what we'll do. 

But lately, it's gotten to a whole different level. I'm stressed out. It's been so hard to keep up with everything. Cleaning the house, making 3 meals each day (all different meals for each kid, 3 times a day), school work for each kid, zooms for each kid, and still trying to remain happy at the end of it all. It's been a struggle for sure and Courtney has seen first hand on what a struggle it has been for me. 

I'm not saying that each day has been a struggle because we do have some pretty great days, but heck, I need a break. I need a break from this house, from school, from all of it. 

One night, I was really beating myself up about everything. I felt like I was failing at everything. Being a mom, a wife, a teacher. When dealing with all these emotions, Courtney is always reassuring me that everything I am feeling and thinking, is just not true. That I'm doing an amazing job and that him and the kids love me more than I will ever know, but even with his words, there is still something inside me, that still thinks I'm failing.

Courtney knew I needed a break from life and knew exactly what I needed. Time in the mountains. So he got on the computer and started looking at cabins in Estes Park. He looked up the very first cabin that we ever stayed in and found that they now offer a bigger cabin that we could stay in. It had enough space where we could send the kids upstairs, so they could have their own place to play and just relax. 

Courtney knew how badly I needed this get away and made it for 3 nights and we would be on our way there in the next week!!

We couldn't leave for Estes until Courtney got out of work and the kids finished their schooling for the week, but as soon as all that was done, we were in the car and headed to our home for the weekend. 

I don't know what it is about the mountains, but it has the most amazing, calming effect on me. I am able to put all my thoughts aside, relax and feel like I can breath again. Just what I have been needing. 

Wow!! Our cabin is amazing!! And even though I was kind of dreading arriving there at night, I am so happy we did. Everything was lit up in Christmas lights! The lodge, their little bridge to get to the lodge and even our cabin, including the trees surrounding it. It was a beautiful surprise. 

The kids didn't waste anytime getting inside and taking a look around. They were so excited. They were going here and there and making sure they told us everything they were seeing as we were unloading the truck. 

The next morning, the first thing Courtney did was got the fire started. The kids even helped out with making a fire. It sure was incredible to wake up, make a fire, and enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee. 

We knew that our first day, we wanted to take a trip downtown to do some looking around and possibly drive into the mountains. We were in no hurry to get any where, we just wanted to go with the flow and enjoy our day. 

After having a relaxing morning, we got ready and headed downtown. Walked around for a bit, then into the mountains we went. It was cold, so no hiking around this time around, but it was really nice to just be in the mountains and look around. 

That's when we came across some elk roaming around. It's been a long while since we've seen elk roaming around in the mountains, so this was a great surprise and was thankful that I grabbed my camera at the last minute when we left the cabin. 

What we did know going into this little getaway is that we were going to get some more snow while we were there. We woke up to the snow falling. There is nothing like watching the snow fall in the mountains. It's so soothing watching it fall from the sky and seeing the mountain peaks full of snow is beyond beautiful and my pictures will never do it any justice. 

As soon as breakfast was done, the kids didn't waste any time in asking if the could play in the snow. So, we all got bundled up (it was freezing) and went to play in the snow!

What a perfect few days and I was not ready for it to end. I will be honest, I got teary eyed as we were walking out because I was not ready to go. It was so nice not to think about school and honestly life for a few days. This is just what I needed to clear my head and feel like myself again. 

Thank you Courtney for always putting me first and knowing exactly what I need at just the right moments. 

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