Friday, May 21, 2021

Poudre River

We were all itching to get out of the house, especially me. So, we got in the car and off to Colorado we went. I told Courtney that all I really wanted to do was walk around downtown Fort Collins. 

Before we got downtown, Courtney pulled off on the side of the road. We kept saying that we wanted to walk around the river, but we never stopped to do it, so today was our chance. 

What a beautiful place. We stood on the bridge for a long while just watching and listening to the water. It was so relaxing and so needed. There wasn't many people there either, which was even better. 

Besides watching the water rolling underneath us, we were able to watch some guys on kayaks go down the river. The rapids on this river were pretty intense, so watching them made me nervous, but it was also pretty cool to see. 

We walked on both sides of the river and even walked the trail for a bit before coming back to the river and sat down on the rocks for a bit. It's been a lot for all of us with having to stay home and not really getting to venture out, so having something like this to go to was just what we all needed!!

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