Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wings Over Warren

Time to watch some airplanes!!! 

These 3 kiddos have always been excited about watching airplanes, especially when it comes to the Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels. So, when I told them about the air show on base, they got super excited. They remembered from last year that we were able to watch the whole thing from the comfort of home. 

Before the show started, the kids made sure to get their binoculars, so they could keep an eye on the skies. The also had to get all of Logan's airplanes out so they could play in the middle of everything.

Unfortunately, we can't see everything, meaning the things that they do closer to the ground, but everything that's high in the sky, we're able to see perfectly. And the upside to it all, they fly right by the house, so it's loud, but it's also a great show.

The air shows never seem long enough and the kids were sad that it was over, but it was a good show and we'll all be excited to watch again next year!!

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