Saturday, August 14, 2021

Travels to Texas

Thanks to covid, our trip that we were suppose to take to Texas last summer was cancelled. So, a couple weeks before school started, Courtney and I talked about it and decided to head to Texas!! 

It didn't start off the greatest though. Courtney bought us some at home covid tests to make sure we weren't going to bring anything to grandpa and grandma Nancy. We all took them and waited the (what seemed like forever) 15 minutes to get the results. Courtney and I's plus the girls all came back negative. With Logans test there was a faint line, which in the instructions stated that is a positive test. Our hearts sank. 

Courtney then decided to take Logan to Urgent Care just to be positive on if this test was right or not. The doctor that they saw said that most likely he would be positive, but they would do the swab and in 15 minutes they would give us a call and let us know the results. 

We were so thankful to find out that he was negative, but we still wanted to get a lab one done just to be 100% positive. So, the next day, we all went in and got the lab covid test done. Dang, those swab tests are not fun and you feel them for a good while afterwards, but these kids were troopers and did so good!

NEGATIVE!! We all tested negative. Never have I ever felt so much relief!

Off to Texas we go!!!

We planned on making it a 2 day trip. 8 hours each day. On our way to Texas, we pretty much just wanted to get there. We made quick bathroom breaks and even made quick lunch breaks and made it to our hotel early enough where we could enjoy some dinner and relax before it was everyones bedtime.

We were not looking forward to getting up and getting back in the car the next morning, but off we go for our final hours before we are finally at grandpa and grandma Nancy's house!!

We did end up taking a bit of a detour and headed to Dyess Air Force Base and enjoyed a picnic lunch there. We enjoyed our picnic lunch with some pretty sweet airplanes all around us. 

It was nice to get out of the car for a bit and not feel so rushed to get back in the car and get on the road, but also, I was ready to just be there, so back in the car we go and before we knew it, we were pulling into their driveway!!

It feels amazing to be back in Texas, that's for sure!!

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