Friday, August 20, 2021

Texas Motor Speedway

 Our last and final stop of our Texas adventure.


Our first stop was the store. Found some great deals on Chase Elliott stuff which I am always happy about, but also the cashier told us that we could go to the front of the speedway and there is an area where you can go up to see the track. Awesome!!

In the car we go and drive to the front. We were happy to see that all the pace cars were out and of course I go camera happy and start taking tons of pictures. 

As we are going around and looking at all the pace cars, McKaila tells me that there is a lady yelling at us to come over. I admittedly thought we were in some kind of trouble because we were taking pictures of the pace cars or something. 

We weren't in any kind of trouble, they wanted to know if we would like to take a tour of the building and go up and see the track. Ummm..... yes, please!!!

After handing each one of us NASCAR lanyards, we went up in the elevator and before we knew it we were walking into the restaurant. This is where the drivers, pit crews, crew chiefs, etc. enjoy meals during the race weekends. I mean, how cool!! Then you look ahead and there's the track. It looks so much bigger in person, rather than just seeing it on the tv. 

Life size bobble heads!! McKenna was very excited to see Jimmie Johnson!! 

I love being able to visit all these tracks. Of course, I much rather be watching a race while visiting, but either way, what an awesome experience that we had. Not many people can say they did this especially with covid because there still is stuff that still isn't open within the building. 

Time to head out, but first....


Not ready for our adventure to end, but time to head home!! We made some great memories and had some great adventures, but home we go!!

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