Thursday, April 22, 2021

Auntie Is Back In Cheyenne!

For the next 2 weeks, Courtney is gone in Biloxi, MS for some training for work. When I told Amber that Courtney was going to be leaving, she decided to look up tickets to fly here during that time frame. Luckily, she was able to get some time off from work and fly here to help me out while Courtney was gone.

The kids were pretty bummed when Courtney and I talked to them about him being gone for 2 weeks, but when I told them Auntie was going to be coming to help out, their sad faces turned into smiling faces. 

Amber was going to be flying into Denver, so she decided to rent a car for the time period that she was going to be here. Let me tell ya, her rental was a hit, especially with Logan. When he saw Auntie drive up into the drive way, the first thing he yelled was, "JEEP TRUCK!!" He was so excited and was very eager to get inside.

During Amber's stay she took out each kid, so they each would have a chance to ride in the jeep truck, but it was McKenna that got an extra special outing with Auntie. 

Since, McKenna's birthday was coming up, Amber made the decision to take McKenna out so she could help in selecting her clothes for her birthday present. She also treated McKenna to lunch, McKenna's choice, Culver's.

McKenna loves it when it's just her and Auntie, so she was in heaven getting all the special treatment.  

We couldn't have Auntie here without playing some games. Our go to game... Sequence! 

Of course the best team won every game!!! 
(McKaila, Logan & Mommy) 

It may have been a few days early, but we had to do a mini birthday celebration while Auntie was here. So, McKenna got on her favorite dress that the two of them picked out, got her hair done by Auntie and we sang happy birthday. McKenna even got spoiled by having her very own donut hole 8 to have all to herself. 

Like always, trips have to end and it was time for Amber to head back home. It's always so great to have my sister here, but each trip gets harder and harder to say our good byes. It was hard for all of us to say good bye to each other and it was especially hard on the kids. 

Even though the good byes are hard, it was such a great week with my sister. It was nice to be able to just take it easy and just enjoy the moments with each other. I just am looking forward to the next time we are all back together again!

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