Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Sumter Brewery w/ Auntie

 The kids were beyond excited to hear that Auntie was on her way to us and staying for a couple nights before having to head back home. 

The night before Jo was to leave back home, we decided to go have some fun. So, we headed to the Sumter Brewery. 

On the second floor of the restaurant, it’s all about the games. There are pool tables, ping pong tables, foosball and shuffleboard. The kids were super excited to be able to play some games while we waited for our food. In the end, we were all having lots of fun playing games, where we just ordered a bunch of food and continued to play while eating. 

It made for a very fun night!!

It may have only been a quick trip, but it felt great to have my sister around. The last time she was here, we had just moved here and had just recently gotten our stuff, so I was excited for her to see the house in person with all our stuff on the walls and not in boxes everywhere.

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