Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pregnancy Update

It has nearly been a month since I last blogged. To be honest, not a whole lot has been going on in the life of the Polnicky family to really blog about. Now that it's been getting cold outside, we spend a lot of our time indoors, playing. As for me and blogging. I used to blog when McKaila would go down for a nap or when she fell asleep for the night, but these days I can barely keep my eyes open to do anything. I always think about getting the computer out to start a blog, but then before I know it, I have fallen asleep and awakened by McKaila. 

Like I said above, there hasn't been a while lot going on in the life of the Polnicky family. Which isn't entirely true. A lot is going on with this little one growing inside of me. Baby P. is still very small, I believe my app on my phone says that the baby is the size of an avocado, but I have felt a little bit of movement. Nothing too much and not enough to where Courtney could feel anything, but when I lay down and relax, I can feel some movement. 

We've been lucky enough to have had a couple ultrasounds to see Baby P. and each time, baby is moving around like crazy, just like McKaila did! And with each ultrasound or every appointment we get to hear a heartbeat, everything with Baby P. is great! Heartbeat is around 150-160! Strong heartbeat, just like big sister! 

McKaila loves touching my belly whenever she can and says "baby". It's so adorable and I love it! I'm looking forward to seeing McKaila be a big sister! I know she'll be great with the baby because she's already helpful with everything else!

13 Weeks
15 Weeks

Yesterday marked 16 weeks pregnant, but haven't taken a picture yet. I've been doing it every couple weeks or so! So, hopefully I will have a new one for you next week!!


Anonymous said...

Are you going to Thats My Baby to find out the Gender?! Or are you waiting for the Doctor at 20 weeks? So excited for you guys!
I can't believe how big you are getting, it's happening so fast!! Ahh!! Talking names yet?!

The Polnicky's Blog said...

I can't wait to find out what we are having!! I'm so excited, but not sure what we are going to do yet about finding out. If we are going to wait until 20 weeks or not. We have been talking names a lot, but haven't really decided on anything certain. Names are so difficult sometimes

Anonymous said...

Remember thats my baby does it for just $40 on Mondays!!!
It's fun though isn't it? Who knows how many names you will get to pick you just want the right one every time! Eek! My 9 year old sister basically picked Hailee. I was reading names out loud and when I came across Hailee she said THATS IT, THATS THE NAME! Her name is Emilee, I wonder why she liked it so much LOL!
Happy Naming! Have fun!!

The Polnicky's Blog said...

I think we are pretty certain on a boys name, but we aren't sure about the girl name. we keep going in circles with it. I'm sure it will be like us deciding on McKaila, it will just come to us one day!
Yes, i remember about the $40 Mondays, looked into already :) thanks

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

So glad everything is going well! Thinking about you guys.