Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Outdoor Adventure

Today in Waldorf it was 46 degrees, so Auntie Amber and I (Heather) decided since it was warmer then what it has been and the sun was shining, we should take McKaila for a walk. This was the first time taking McKaila outside for a walk outdoors. McKaila doesn't like her stroller too much, so it's always a struggle, but as soon as Amber started moving she calmed down. When we got half way around the block she started crying and wouldn't stop until I picked her up. So, for the rest of our walk, I was holding her in my arms. Good work out for mommy, that's for sure!!! We definitely can't wait for Spring to get here, so we can take McKaila out for more walks.

McKaila all bundled up :-)
 Just a chillin' after our walk

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