Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Watch Out For McKaila

We've been putting McKaila in her walker a lot lately. That seems to be the number 1 thing she likes these days. She likes to be on her own and go where she pleases, for the most part. For a while, when we put her in the walker, she only wanted to go backwards. Finally one day she figured out she could go forward and since then she's been go, go, go. And when she's coming for you, you better watch out. She literally follows Courtney and I around the house. But she always loves to find the cats lying under the kitchen table and try to get to them. Roxy always seems to be the object of affection for McKaila. If Roxy is in sight, McKaila is going after her. It's so funny, but I don't think Roxy likes being put in the corner like that.

The last few days Courtney has had off, so one day we decided to go to Tyson's Corner Mall in Virginia. Before going, we had to drop off a friend of ours off at Reagan National Airport. As we were leaving the airport, we seen a park. We pulled in and noticed it was right next to the airport. I was super excited 'cuz ever since living in San Antonio, I have talked about when I was younger my parents would take us to the airport and watch the planes arrive and take off. I enjoyed that so much, that I wanted find a park or something to do that again. Finally here, we found one!! But oh my gosh... the planes literally fly right on top of  you to land. It was crazy. I knew they were coming, but it still scared me. McKaila loved it. We would point to the plane as it turned the corner and she would keep an eye on it until we saw it land. It was so cute. We can't wait to go there with a little picnic and enjoy lots more time there.
Here are some pics from the park

Just getting done eating her fruits:-)
McKaila and I with the plane right above us!!

Right above us

Plane is about to land

This was a pic taken the other day that I just needed to share because it was so cute. Roxy was trying to get the squirrel from inside (You can see the squirrel underneath the humming bird feeder)

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