The planes were really loud, so we had to cover those little ears of hers
Grandma Polnicky
Playing with her soccer ball
Me and the sister (Amber Jo)
Daddy and McKaila watching the plane land
Busy walking
Great Grandma Kuipers, McKaila, Heather, & Grandpa Kuipers
McKaila with her Grandma's
Grandpa & Grandma Kuipers, Auntie Amber, Mommy & McKaila
Grandma Polnicky & McKaila watching the planes (notice the plane coming in, bottom left)
Later that night, we went back to my parents motel to go swimming. McKaila has been in her little pool this summer, but it was the first time she was going into a big pool. She loved it. Courtney took her in and every few minutes he would get out because she was cold. But all she wanted to do was get back in.
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