Tuesday, October 4, 2011


McKaila loves to talk on the phone. Whenever either of us is on the phone with someone, McKaila always takes the phone and walks around with it to her ear, even though the phone is on speaker. She has her own little Fisher Price phone, but we decided to give her one of my old phones and she loves it!
Last night, I asked her if she wanted to talk to Daddy since he was at work, so she grabs her phone and starts to talk to Daddy on the phone.

These are just some random photos from the last couple days

Comfy in her pjs
She didn't want to smile for the camera, but she looks so cute with her piggy tails
Posing for the camera
Ready for our walk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! She is too darn cute. These Milestone's are the best, but I wish they would just sloooowww down & stay Infant's forever! Can't wait for her Birthday Party!