Monday, November 7, 2011

Having Fun

McKaila is very content playing all by herself. She really likes to dig into the toy chest and bring you something. You say "Thank you" and she's back for more. Today, she would dig in the toy chest for awhile, then she would sit down in front of it and play with what she got. She would get sick of that toy and start digging again. She is a crazy little girl, but she knows what she wants.

She likes to put things into the bucket and then tip it over to empty it
This is McKaila's face after she gets the blanket off of her. She loves it when we put it over her head and ask "where's McKaila?"
Mommy & McKaila

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha too cute! I can't wait for Careena to be able to get toy's out of a box, right now they are!!!!!!!!
