Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

Wow! I can't believe that it's already 2012! 2011 flew by so fast, but onto another year. 2011 was wonderful in the fact that Courtney and I got to watch McKaila blossom into a little lady. It's crazy looking back at the beginning on 2011 and remembering how little she was. She was only a couple months old and now to look at her now. It's beyond amazing. I love seeing all the new little things that she does day to day. She is now talking a lot and not just stuff you can't understand. She says Mom and Dad. Ofcoarse, she says car. She even makes sounds as she is racing the cars. She is constantly saying "What's that?"

Our year didn't end or start off that well though. Courtney ended up breaking a rib a couple days after Christmas. Then New Years Eve I ended up getting a stomach bug, which then lasted about 4 days. I am now feeling tons better and so incredibly happy to have my energy back, but Courtney is still in a lot of pain. He is on pain medicine, but it's makes him drousy, so he doesn't like taking it all that often.

Here are some pics of McKaila from the last couple weeks. I feel like in just those last couple weeks she has grown so much.

Courtney converted her crib to a toddler bed
Blurry pic, but love her smile. She was playing peek a boo from behind the couch
Enjoying an ice cream cone at Jason's Deli
She loves candy canes
Cuddling with Mommy before nap time
Sporting her new sun glasses, what a cutie <3

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