Sunday, February 5, 2012

McKaila and Mommy

Everyday, I wake up thinking how incredibly lucky I am for getting the chance to be a stay at home mom. Yes, it is stressful sometimes, but I wouldn't change anything for the chance to watch my daughter blossom into a young lady. A lot of parents out there, don't get the chance to be at home and see those first steps and hear their first words and I just can't express how happy it makes me that I am able to be home day after day.
Life is hard being a military wife. I don't see my husband much and sometimes I feel like I am a single parent because Courtney does work long hours and many days straight, allowing not a whole lot of family time. But, I am beyond thankful for everything that Courtney does for us day after day. He gets up at 4 a.m. every day and doesn't get home until close to 7 p.m. He's tired and wanting just to relax, but he still wants to play with McKaila. Because of his hard work, I am able to stay at home and be with our beautiful baby girl.

Courtney Ryan and McKaila Rose, I love you with all my heart and soul!! You two are my everything!

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