Saturday, April 21, 2012

Down at the Creek

Beautiful 80 degree day

McKaila has a new favorite thing to do, throw rocks in the creek. As soon as we go into the backyard, she goes straight to the creek. She knows that she has to hold my hand because the land slops a bit, so she stands there and waits for me, with her arm out. Then, she crouches down and is ready to go.

Best Buddies

She picks up any rock in sight. Little or big, it don't matter to her. But, she sure does enough it. We were outside for over an hour before lunch time and the whole time she was as content as can be, throwing rocks into the water. She didn't like it one bit when I told her it was time to wash up and go in for lunch.

Pointing at the dogs

McKaila and Simon
Look what I found Mommy

This is a photo of McKaila taken yesterday, that is just too cute not to share with you all!

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