Monday, December 3, 2012

McKenna Grace

We've been keeping a secret for the last week and now we are excited to share our news! We are having another girl! We are so excited to be adding another little girl into the Polnicky family.

Last week, we went to That's My Baby Ultrasound to find out the gender of our baby. I was 16 weeks pregnant on Nov. 26, so on that day we went to find out the sex. Normally, I would have to wait until 20 weeks, like I did with McKaila, but I just couldn't wait this time around. We were too excited!

We went to That's My Baby Ultrasound when I was pregnant with McKaila, so we knew when we got pregnant again, we would be going back there. It's such a comfortable environment to be in. McKaila and my sister, Amber were able to be with us in the room.. McKaila was sitting by my side the whole time while we were watching the baby on the big screen in front of us.

She gets her big feet from her mama

Our baby girl all balled up in my belly

We wanted to share our exciting news with everyone right away, but we wanted to tell everyone in the same way. With McKaila, we just called everyone to tell them, this time we wanted to do something special.
So, yesterday, it began with us sending out this picture to our families

Then, after a few hours of them thinking if it's a boy or a girl, we sent out this!!

A lot of people thought we were going to be having a boy, but even with all of Courtney's prayers to get his boy, we are having a GIRL!! McKenna Grace!! Courtney is going to be out numbered even more now!! But he loves it! He's excited to have another little daddy's girl!

*17 Weeks*

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