Monday, August 5, 2013


Saturday, Courtney and McKaila attended a free early preview of Planes on base.

I was excited for McKaila because we thought this was the perfect time and perfect movie for her to experience it in an actual movie theatre. Even though I was excited for her, it also brought tears to my eyes. Not only is our little girl growing up, but this was McKaila's first, first without me being there. It was pretty hard for me to watch Courtney and McKaila drive off, but it had to happen sooner or later. Even though i was sad, Courtney was happy to experience a first with her because he doesn't get the chance to be home for much of them.

Courtney said she did a pretty good job, but only sat still for maybe a half hour. There were a lot of kids there, so I'm sure that was a big distraction for her. All in all, I think McKaila had a great time because she kept talking about all the airplanes.

Had to have popcorn, of coarse

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad
Location:Keesler AFB

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