Thursday, October 24, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday McKaila Rose

Our little bug is now 3 years old. I can't believe that our first born is now 3 years old, where has the time gone? She has grown up to be such a little lady with a huge personality and love for her family and every one around her.

It was only right for me to decorate the house the night before McKaila's birthday, so I could see the look on her face when she walked down the stairs. Thankfully, I had some help from my dad, Papa as McKaila calls him. We blew up balloons and hung them from the ceiling in the living room and put up a "Happy Birthday" sign.

The birthday girl
Every day at lunch Courtney gets the chance to come home for lunch, so we decided at his lunch time we would let McKaila open her presents from us, grandma and papa, Auntie Amber, and Great Grandma. Grandma and Papa along with Great Grandma and her friend Morrie were able to make the trip to Mississippi to be here for McKaila's birthday. Auntie Amber wasn't able to make it, but she was able to FaceTime with us, so she could watch McKaila open presents from the family.
Testing out her princess tiara
 Wooden shoe slippers from Great Grandma Kuipers

 McKaila testing out her new scooter from Grandma and Papa
McKaila had a great birthday full of love and laughter and probably her favorite thing, playing outside with Papa.

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