Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Story Time

McKaila and McKenna are loved so much by Courtney and I, but I feel that the love that these two have for each other is so much more. I feel like their bond for one another is so strong even being so young. I just hope that bond stays this strong through out the years as they grow older and personally I don't see it changing.

McKaila is all about her sister, which I love dearly. Sometimes I feel like she is a little too much for her little sister though. She wants so badly to have McKenna to be big like her, so they can run around the house and play together. McKaila even started saying, "when is Kenna going to be big like me" But even then, she does realize that she is still small and can't do things like she can, so she does help out and brings McKenna her baby toys. McKaila will sit right there with McKenna and hand her different toys until McKenna finds the right one to chew one.

The last couple weeks, I started to give the girls baths in the morning. We've always given them baths at night, but after a few explosive diapers by McKenna, that required baths, I just kept with it. Once, they are both washed up, we head to McKenna's room to lotion up and get ready for the day. This morning, once that was done, I got up to hang up the towels, I walked around the corner to this.

McKaila ran to her room and picked out some books and was sitting there reading to McKenna. It was so adorable and put a huge smile on my face. I think I even had some tears in my eyes because it was such a precious moment.
McKenna was loving story time with her big sister
What a beautiful moment between sisters

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad

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