Monday, December 9, 2013


It's been going on a week now that we've all been sick in the Polnicky household. It hasn't been a whole lot of fun, but finally the sickness is heading out and we're all starting to feel better.

It did get to the point where one morning Courtney and I woke up and I said to him, we need to go to the ER. The girls had runny noses and bad coughs so I really didn't want to risk it being anything serious. I just wanted to make sure it was just colds going around and nothing more. Thankfully, it wasn't anything serious, just both girls needed to take some antibiotics.

A couple days ago McKaila finally started feeling better and she was able to get off the couch and started playing. It made me so happy that after a handful of days, she was finally feeling better to play. McKenna was one happy little sister to have her sister to roll around with again. I do got to say that McKenna is a little warrior. Even through the coughs and runny nose, she had a smile on her face the whole time.

Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad


joyce said...

glad you all are feeling better

joyce said...

so glad you all are feeling better being sick is a bummer