Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Back to Work

Last Thursday, it was time for Courtney to head back to work after having 20 days off after Logan was born. He got 10 days off originally, but decided to take another 10 on top of that to help out at home. It was so nice having him home for those 20 days to help out and get used to having 3 children in the household. 
But now, it's just me, taking care of everything. I had a lot of anxiety leading up to the day that Courtney went back to work. I know how to take care of 2 kids, but adding another one, I didn't know how well that was going to go. I knew I could do it, but our middle child can make it difficult for me. McKenna has always been a mommy's girl, even more so now. She loves to be at my side at every moment possible, especially while I am holding Logan. That's why I had anxiety about being by myself, because when Courtney was around, he was able to play with the girls or take them outside, so I could have that alone time with Logan and feed him in peace without McKenna trying to get on my lap or something.
I will admit, the first day wasn't so good. I shed many tears because I felt like I was being pulled in every direction with the kids and once everything seemed to have calmed down for a bit, things went a little crazy again. I am so happy to have an amazing husband like Courtney, because he was always texting me, telling me I am a great mommy and everyone has their moments, and things would get better in time.
I am so happy that the days after that first day has gone so much better. I think the girls started to realize that it's just me now, so they have to be patient with me and I have to be patient with them. Of coarse, there are moments where I still want to rip out my hair because they aren't listening, but I am trying to enjoy every moment possible.
I love these 3 kids more than anyone will ever know and I will never get these moments back, so no matter how frustrated they make me, I try and take a deep breath and know that these moments will subside.

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