Friday, April 24, 2015

Todd and Jodi Visit

It's always great when Courtney and I get phone calls from people that want to come visit us here in Biloxi, Mississippi. We don't get them often, so when we do get those phone calls, we feel incredibly blessed.

Back in March, Jodi a long time family friend, who is like a 2nd mom to me, called and asked if her and her husband, Todd could come our way after they spent some time in Florida. Well, heck yea, come on over!

They had a nice vacation in Florida before heading our way. We dealt with some sickness when they originally wanted to head this way, so they came up that next weekend. It ended up being a couple day stay here in Biloxi, for them, but we all enjoyed every minute of it!

Todd and Jodi got to meet Logan for the first time and had lot of fun playing with the girls

Shaggy's for dinner

Todd and Jodi

Please, come back again!!

Thanks Jodi, for letting me steal your pictures for our blog :)

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