Wednesday, December 23, 2015

McKaila's First Tooth Lost

About a month ago, I got a video from Courtney while I was out with McKaila telling me she had her very first loose tooth. She was really excited about it, but a little scared at the same time. Every day, she would show Courtney and I how wiggly it was getting and would ask if it was ready to come out yet. 

In the last couple days, the tooth really started to bother her, and last night while relaxing before bed, McKaila went up to Courtney to show him her tooth. It was ready to come out. 

One of her favorite shows to watch as a family is America's Funniest Video, so she told Courtney that she wanted to do what she has seen other kids do and wrap a string around her tooth and slam the door, to get the tooth out. As Courtney was prepping for that, McKaila went to wiggle her tooth and it came out. It really freaked her out at first because it was bleeding a little bit, but she was proud of herself for taking it out all on her own. 

McKaila was really excited to finally put the tooth fairy pillow to use. She put her tooth in the pocket and hung it on her bed and awaited that tooth fairy.

McKaila got $5 from the tooth fairy

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