Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

We were lucky enough to have some visitors for Thanksgiving this year. Grandma and Grandpa Kuipers. As our first Thanksgiving here in North Carolina, we were happy that some family were able to come be with us. The kids always look forward to Grandma and Grandpa time, no matter what the occasion is. 

And Thanksgiving isn't complete without some football. We were all decked out in our Detroit Lions gear, well... besides Daddy. He wore his Dallas Cowboy attire. 

It was a good Thanksgiving for our teams as well as us... our teams WON and our bellies were very, very full!

Time to fry up the turkey

Logan hasn't been a big fan of picture taking lately

Turkey came out amazing!

Thanksgiving feast

We ended our Thanksgiving day by going to Charlotte Motor Speedway to go see all the Christmas lights. We had been hearing all about it, so we thought it would be a great time to go. 

The Speedway Christmas was awesome and it will be a part of our family tradition from here on out. And since it was so cool, I am pretty sure we will go again before Christmas is over. 

We didn't really know what to expect going there and didn't know what was all involved, but what a fun time we all had. 

After riding on the actual track to look at the lights, they wind you all around the inside of the track. There was lights everywhere and at the start of it, there was a sign to tune into a certain radio station. There was music going to the Christmas lights. It was pretty awesome! 

I didn't even look into the light show at the speedway, but once we got done, come to find out there was more to it. You can actually go to a drive in movie and watch a Christmas movie on the big screen and you can also go into the petting zoo area and see the goat, sheep, turkeys, etc. The kids were very happy when grandma and grandpa bought them some food to feed all the animals. They had such a blast doing that. There was also some food and hot cocoa to enjoy along with some booths to do some Christmas shopping.

The kids even got to meet Santa. McKaila has always been all about Santa, McKenna not so much. Logan, well, we wasn't too sure on what to think. 

It was a great, fun Thanksgiving filled with lots of smiles and family time. 

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