Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 DAY 1


Courtney had some work to do in Savannah, so the kids and I tagged a long. 

We hadn’t been there before, so we were excited to do some adventuring in the Savannah area. 

Courtney did have to work and continued to work while we were there, but once he got out of work, we would do lots of exploring. 

That first day, since Courtney was working, the kids and I didn’t head out to Savannah until after lunch. It’s about a 2 hour drive and Courtney was still at work once we arrived, but it gave the kids and I some time to unpack and get ourselves ready for when Courtney got back from work. 

Once Courtney got back from work, we headed out for dinner and than decided to drive downtown just so we could see it. We weren’t planning on getting out, but then I saw the sunsetting and I couldn’t help but to ask Courtney to pull over and park so I could take some pictures of the sunsetting. 

It was a perfect way to start out our time in Savannah.

Day 2: The kids and I went exploring the outlets while Courtney was working. We spent the whole morning out and about and then went back to our room to hang out. It ended up just being a chill night and hanging out since there were some storms coming through. 


Oh man… what a hot day!! Incredibly hot day!! Even though we were sweating and sticky, we all kept going and going and we loved every minute of it!

We fell in love with Savannah and we can not wait to visit again! 

There is so much to see and so many shops to go into. We were even lucky enough to come across an art and crafts show that they were doing right there on the water. We really enjoyed looking through everyone’s crafts and the kids even ended up finding some 3D printed dragons that they fell in love with and ended up taking their very own home.

The cargo ships that go up and down the channel is beyond amazing. Every time we would hear the horns or even spot one coming, we would stop and watch them pass through. It was so cool and this pictures don’t do any justice on how big these cargo ships are. 


What a busy beach town. Holy Moly, it was busy and a bit overwhelming. We were truly not prepared for it to be this beyond busy. 

The kids really wanted to go play in the water, so we searched and searched for a parking spot. I would say it was a good 45 minutes and going up and down many side roads and even the main ones before we found a spot to park. 

We didn’t really plan on being on Tybee Island too long because we still needed to drive home, but we wanted the kids to enjoy the water for a bit, even if it was only their feet. 


After sometime at the beach, it was time to fill our bellies with some seafood before we head back home. 

We heard that The Original Crab Shack was the place to go for the best seafood. And it was perfect that it was located on our way out of Tybee Island. 

Not only am I looking forward to going back to Savannah, but I very much look forward to going back to the Crab Shack.

We filled our bellies with delicious foods and then fed the baby alligators at the Gator Lagoon to end our time there.

Our trip to Savannah was one for the books. It’s always great to go somewhere without having any kind of agenda other than to have fun and make some great memories as a family. And we did just that! 

Thanks for Savannah for all the memories! We look forward to coming back real soon!

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