Friday, March 11, 2011

First Solids

Yesterday, March 10, we started McKaila on her first set of solids. We were so excited and ready for the mess to come. McKaila didn't know what to think at first, but she seemed to really enjoy it. The first feeding didn't last long, but this morning we tried again and she was eager for more. Even with food all over her face, she's still the cutest thing.

Since we haven't updated the blog in a while, thought we should let you know how McKaila's 4 month appointment went. She is now 14 lbs. 6.8 ounces and is 25 inches long. She got 3 shots which she didn't like very much, but did a lot better this time around then the 2 month appointment. She did run a little fever, which is very common. Thankfully the fever had subsided by morning.

1 comment:

joyce said...

awwww so cute ! loved the videos and pictures...hugs