Sunday, March 20, 2011

Loving it

McKaila is getting so big. We just can't believe how big she's been getting. She's been eating solids about 2 times a day and is very intrested in what she's been eating. So far, she's been eating baby oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and just recently bananas. She's now wanting to try and feed herself with the spoon, which always ends up all over her face, but it's incredibly cute.

After eating bananas for the first time: she loved them

McKaila and Daddy cuddling

McKaila has been loving her time in her jumper. She laughs and screams (playfully) and enjoys jumping around.

 Yesterday we all (Heather, Courtney, McKaila, & Amber) went to Tyson's Corner mall to do some shopping. McKaila does so good when we go out. We put her in the stroller and she's good to go. She's just happy to be able to look around. She loves looking at all her surroundings. This picture is of her in a little chair at Pottery Barn Kids. She's so freakin' cute in it, hopefully one day we'll buy it for her :-)


Anonymous said...

She gets prettier & prettier & bigger & bigger every day! I am NOT looking forward to CJ growing..I want to keep her small forever!!

joyce said...

awwwwwww she is so darling and such a good little one...... you and Courtney are such good parents. I can tell how much you are enjoying parenthood.