Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bolling AFB

Yesterday, we decided to head over to Bolling AFB. We've been wanting to check the base out for a while, and now that we had some extra time, we thought it would be a perfect time to check it out.

We had so much fun at Bolling and can't wait to go back. We found a park for McKaila to play on, plus the base is right across from Reagan Airport, so she loved watching the planes take off. Each time a plane would take off, she'd point and talk a lot. It was adorable.

Playing some music and dancing

Busy talking to Mama
Watching the planes take off

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww She is such a doll! How long have you guys lived here, and you are just NOW getting over there?! Lol! My job with AAFES was with all bases in the surronding area, so I used to get over there often. Make your way to Quantico sometime..thats a nice Base!