Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Days Go By

As I was rocking McKenna to sleep this afternoon, I looked at the clock, and couldn't believe that it was already 3 p.m. I really thought having newborn and toddler to take care of every day, the days would just drag. To my surprise, it's been the total opposite. The days have gone by so fast. It's nice getting a little break in the day when Courtney comes home for lunch, then before I know it, he's home from work for the day.

The days have gone by fast, but it hasn't gone without any struggle. It's been pretty difficult to have a baby that doesn't want to be put down and a toddler that just wants to play. In the end, there we were, all 3 of us, on the floor playing with puzzles and coloring. It was still a little difficult on my end, trying to do all this stuff with one hand because McKenna was in the other, but we worked it out! McKaila was just happy to be playing with Mommy and sister.

This past weekend, I did get the chance to stay at home with just McKenna. It was the first time it was just me and her while Courtney took McKaila to get groceries. It was very strange to have it just be me and her without McKaila running around the house, making lots of noise. But I did really enjoy it. It was great, rocking McKenna to sleep and be able to let her stay in my arms as long as possible. I took it all in, that is for sure!
You will start to notice that in all the pictures of McKenna sleeping she has her blanket up to her face. That's the only way she will calm down and fall asleep is if she has her blanket on her face in one way or another and wrapped up in her hand.
Here is a picture from the other day of how she fell asleep. She is such a cutie!!
Some fun news about McKenna!!
She started smiling yesterday and she's been doing a lot of cooing!
This is off the topic of the girls, but I'm really excited about these!
This is our new addition to our front porch area. I've always wanted to get rocking chairs for the front of our house, and finally we have them, thanks to the hubby! They have these sales on Keesler where they sell stuff from the Fisher House and the hotels that they have replaced and Courtney scored these from the Fisher House. One of them is from Cracker Barrel and the other one was made around the area! Courtney is excited to start sanding them and stain them! And I'm excited to rock McKenna and be able to watch McKaila play in the front yard!

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