Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Say Cheese

There was a point where McKaila never wanted to have her picture taken. Now, it seems like she always wants a picture taken of her or she wants to run around with our phones or iPad taking pictures.

After lunch, until close to nap time, McKaila had my phone in hand taking picture after picture. After she was through taking pictures, she handed me my phone and told me to take pictures of her with me. Of coarse it didn't last long and she was back to taking pictures on her own.
Even if it's McKaila taking the picture or Courtney and I, she always has to say aloud, "say cheese". Taking picture after picture and having to see each picture after she takes it, you just want to say "that's enough". But, with every "say cheese" you can't help but to smile because she's so cute saying it.

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad

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