Happy Halloween From The Polnicky Family
The morning started off with opening presents from Grandma and Papa Kuipers and from Great Grandma Holtgeerts. McKaila was eager to open presents, so as soon as she was done with her breakfast, she runs up to me asking to open the presents. It's going to interesting once Christmas arrives if she's this excited to open presents for Halloween.
These girls are so happy in the mornings, they don't get that from their mommy, she needs her coffee first

Sticker book from Great Grandma Holtgeerts

All their presents. These girls are so spoiled by their Grandparents and Great Grandma and they love it!! Much thank you to Grandma and Papa and Great Grandma Holtgeerts

McKaila was so excited for Halloween

Trick or Treating Time
We had such a great time on Halloween night. Courtney's co-worker, Kory and his family, came over with pizza and we got all our kids ready together to go trick or treating. We also had our neighbors, Jordan and Brittney along with their 2 week old son, Jacob come over and we all helped out with handing out candy to all the kids.
Princess Sofia

Once we got outside to start handing out candy and have the kids go house to house to get candy, McKaila decided she wanted to stay and hand out candy herself. So, there she was, standing right next to the bowl of candy, handing all the kids a piece of candy. It was so cute. She really didn't understand the concept of trick or treating because with each kid she would say trick or treat to them. It was cute either way. We did have to help her out with the handling of candy though. Trick or Treating here is like nothing I have ever seen. At one point we had a line of kids down our drive way waiting for candy. It was crazy. It was a good steady pace of kids for a good hour and a half or so. After about an hour, McKaila decided she finally wanted to get some candy of her own, so Courtney took her out to go door to door and get some candy. This was the first time she actually went out trick or treating, so she had a blast.
Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad
Location:Adams Ave,Biloxi,United States
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