A few weeks ago we went out and bought our pumpkins to carve. For the time being, they have been sitting on our front porch, just waiting to be carved. We decided to wait until it was closer to Halloween to carve the pumpkins because we didn't want them to rot or anything.
So, Monday night after dinner, we got the pumpkin carving underway
Courtney started off with McKaila's pumpkin. Once he got the top cut, he tried getting McKaila to stick her hand in the pumpkin to take out all the guts.

McKaila wasn't too thrilled about putting her hand in the pumpkin, but Courtney put her arm in there anyways. She thought it was funny at first, then...
She felt the guts of the pumpkin. I love this face though
After a little bit, she didn't mind getting a little dirty, but she rather pick out all the seeds, then dig in the pumpkin
Pumpkin is all cleaned out, time to start the carving
McKaila picking out all the seeds so we cook them up and eat them, YUMMY
The final products
McKaila wanted her pumpkin carved like Doc McStuffins
Mommy's pumpkin
Courtney never got around to carve his pumpkin because it took a while to carve McKaila's pumpkin. We also didn't carve McKenna a pumpkin because she's too little to even know what's going on, but we did get her a little pumpkin of coarse. We needed a family of 4 pumpkins to sit on the front porch.
- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPad
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