Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Polar Vortex

We've been having some pretty crazy weather here in Mississippi, all thanks to this wonderful thing called the Polar Vortex. It's been enough seeing all the snow that has accumulated in my home town of Holland, Michigan, but never did I think we would see anything like that around here. Well, we didn't see snow, at least that's not what I would call it. It was freezing rain and it did this all day.

Due to this freezing rain, starting yesterday, many schools and businesses started to close their doors just so everyone would be safe. Even Keelser AFB where Courtney works was shut down. Even today, after this crazy weather passed, everything is still closed, even base. So we enjoyed another "snow" day with Courtney at home and he doesn't return back to work until 10 a.m. tomorrow, but they have already been cancelling schools in the area for tomorrow already.

Before the freezing rain started though, we got a good amount of rain, which made the streets become ice very quickly. Unlike being in Michigan, where they experience this often in the winter, Mississippi doesn't know how to handle it. They started shutting down roads, mostly the bridges around here, and last night police urge people to stay home by giving every one a curfew, which was beyond crazy. But, last Friday, we had some colder weather too, which ice appeared on the roads and caused many accidents, so they didn't want to risk anything, I guess.

These are some pictures I took in the early afternoon. There was  a lot more falling to the ground once darkness fell, but between the cold and wind, I just didn't want to step outside anymore.

Even though we've been pretty much trapped in the house the last couple days, the girls have been enjoying playing inside and seeing the white stuff outside.
Where ever McKaila is these days, McKenna will follow.
The forecast around here is crazy, no wonder we are always getting colds when the temperature changes this big so often.

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