Friday, August 22, 2014

14 Weeks with #3

I am now 14 weeks with baby number 3, which in some ways is still unreal to me, but here we are 14 weeks in.
Week 13 meant saying good bye to the 1st trimester and saying hello to the 2nd. They say going into the 2nd trimester, you start feeling better if you have morning sickness, but that wasn't the truth for me. I had some really rough days between the 13-14 weeks. It wasn't fun, and literally took everything out of me. Along with still dealing with the morning sickness, I was also dealing with the fact that I had no energy and I still don't have much. Most mornings, are when I truly feel the best, so that's when everything has been getting done for the day. Laundry, cleaning the house, etc.
I have been truly blessed with McKaila and McKenna because it seems like they just know what days are hardest for me. They play together and come cuddle with me. They have brought smiles to my face when I feel so down about not feeling well.
McKaila has been so excited for baby 3. She loves to pull up my shirt and check on the baby. Which for her is just feeling on my belly. One day she had put her ear up to my belly and said she could hear the baby, so she ran over to her Doc McStuffins bag to get her stethoscope, so she could hear the baby better. Courtney and I have both asked her if she wants a baby brother or baby sister. Most of the time it's a baby sister and there have been a handful of times where she says she wants a baby brother. She also has told us that if she gets a sister, her name will be Katy, like Katy Perry. (I guess you can tell we listen to a lot of Katy Perry in this household)
We will be finding out very soon if McKaila and McKenna are going to have a baby brother or a baby sister. We are actually finding out at 15 weeks (August 29). I am so excited to find out what this little peanut is. From the beginning I have felt like it's going to be another girl, so we will see if my feelings are right.

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