Monday, December 8, 2014

O Christmas Tree 2014

Since Courtney and I started having children, we came up with the idea of getting a real Christmas tree instead of having a fake one. I have been loving every Christmas and hunting down the perfect Christmas tree for our house, it's even better when the girls get excited about it too.
Since we started doing the whole real Christmas tree thing, I have always wanted to go to an actual tree farm and cut down our own tree, but that has yet to happen, but I am sure it will happen one day.
This year, I searched and found a couple different tree farms that we could go to and actually cut down our tree, but once getting there, we couldn't find the tree for us, so we ended up at the shop that we got our tree from last year and within seconds of walking around, we found the perfect tree.
The girls were so excited to get home and start decorating it, and we heard all about it until we pulled the tree out of the car. We could barely get the tree straight and the lights on the tree before McKaila and McKenna started putting ornaments on the tree. Thankfully, I was still able to get some quick pictures of the girls before they went to crazy with putting the ornaments on.

 Merry Christmas from the Polnicky Family

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